A variety of bear life can be found all across North America. The Northwest Region of North America, in places such as Washington and British Columbia, The bear population consists primarily of Black and Brown bears. Grizzly Bears are usually found further north in Alaska, but small populations of them can also be found in further south in Canada. Believe it or not Black Bears live all across the United States and live as far south as Florida and even further down into Mexico. North America is also home to Polar Bears, But in order to find them you're going to have to head way up North to the minimal population regions of Canada and Alaska.
This Bear just clocked out for lunch. Take a look at those majestic paws flopping through the mud. Do you think he wants to share? *Scoots chair up to his table.*
The Diet of a bear found in North American is that of an Omnivore. The Polar Bear would be considered more of a Carnivore given the frozen region it lives in. The bears in the focused region of the Pacific Northwest have a well rounded diet of fish berries, fruits, and other animal meats they can hunt. Salmon is key to their diet. An animal this size of a bear will starve on berries alone.
As I mentioned there aren't any polar bears in the Pacific Northwest, but this little guy provides fantastic PR to the bear community.
Fun fact: That famous pants-less, english bear who loves honey is actually on to something with the beehives. Bears actually do love to sink their paws into a beehive now and then. What they're mainly after is the protein rich larva. They do find the honey to be delicious, but it's more of a dessert to the entree.
I guess having a half-naked, hedonistic bear eating larva wasn't working for the writer.
Bears of the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia will be even more anxious to fill their bellies during the late summer and early fall months. As most already know bears like to take a season long nap during the cold months. To prepare for their hibernation they consume an excess of extra bear calories to put on weight. A midnight snack is a little more complicated than a walk to the kitchen when everything is frozen.
Check your calendar. If it's September/October do not acknowledge him waving you over. If its Earlier in the summer or spring go see whats up, but check behind you first to make sure he's not waving at someone else, that would be emBEARassing.
Pictured Above: A bear trying to wave you over to his Labor Day Cookout.
It's important that bears have enough food in their local ecosystem during these months. Without the proper amount of food they can starve, behave viciously or have their hibernation period interrupted later on due to lack of stored fat. You don't want to disrupt a sleeping bear in the middle of Winter.
Bears are capable of running, swimming and climbing steep slops and trees a lot faster than people. They can be pretty difficult to shake if you attract their attention in a negative way. Best Avoid angering them!
Standing on their hind legs Black and Brown Bears can be 8ft tall where as grizzly bears can be close to 10ft. NBA scouting is banned from all national parks to keep the bears from being disrupted. On that note bears also have the ability to walk on two legs which makes wonder if perhaps all those big foot sightings were in fact bears going about their day.
All jokes aside, no matter the bears current temperament and behavior you never want to approach one and hug it. Although it may be tempting, bears are too stupid to understand your loving affection. Things will be anything but the cuddly dream land their appearance advertises. They're like the Sirens of the forest.